5. Kobuki Workspace

This repository facilitates the quick configuration of the simulation environment and real robot driver for Kobuki.

5.1. Quick start

The following steps will guide you through the process of setting up the environment for testing the 3D scene graph project.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/YuZhong-Chen/LLM-Navigation.git
  2. Build the docker image:

    cd LLM-Navigation/kobuki_ws/docker
    docker compose pull
    docker compose up -d --build
  3. Attach to the container:

    docker attach ros2-kobuki-ws
  4. Launch the world:

    ros2 launch gazebo_rl_env rl_env.launch.py

5.2. Building docker image

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/YuZhong-Chen/LLM-Navigation.git
  2. Build the docker image:

    cd LLM-Navigation/kobuki_ws/docker
    docker compose pull
    docker compose up -d --build

5.3. Building the workspace

  1. Attach to the container:

    docker attach ros2-kobuki-ws
  2. Compile the workspace:

    colcon build --symlink-install

5.4. Simple test in Gazebo

  1. Attach to the container:

    docker attach ros2-kobuki-ws
  2. Launch the world:

    ros2 launch kobuki_launch kobuki.launch.py is_sim:=true

5.5. Simple test on real robot

  1. Attach to the container:

    docker attach ros2-kobuki-ws
  2. Bringup script for real robot (make sure kobuki is connected to the computer):

    cd /home/ros2-essentials/kobuki_ws
  3. Running the script for controlling the robot:

    cd /home/ros2-essentials/kobuki_ws


For more details, please refer to the README.md file in the repository.