3. Gazebo World Workspace

This repository contains several Gazebo worlds, which are valuable for testing robots or agents in both indoor and outdoor environments.

3.1. Target worlds

  1. aws_hospital


aws_hospital world

  1. aws_small_house


aws_small_house world

  1. citysim


citysim world


For more target worlds, please refer to the README.md file in the repository.

3.2. Building docker image

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/YuZhong-Chen/LLM-Navigation.git
  2. Build the docker image:

    cd LLM-Navigation/gazebo_world_ws/docker
    docker compose pull
    docker compose up -d --build

3.3. Building the workspace

  1. Attach to the container:

    docker attach ros2-gazebo-world-ws
  2. Compile the workspace:

    colcon build --symlink-install
    source /home/ros2-essentials/gazebo_world_ws/install/setup.bash

3.4. Run the gazebo worlds

  1. Launch the world:

    # Replace <target world> with the name of the world you wish to launch.
    ros2 launch gazebo_launch <target world>.launch.py

3.5. Run the gazebo worlds with turtlebot3

  1. Launch the world with turtlebot3:

    # Replace <target world> with the name of the world you wish to launch.
    ros2 launch gazebo_launch turtlebot3.launch.py gazebo_world:=<target world>.world


For more details, please refer to the README.md file in the repository.